For Non Technical Employees

This information is for non technical employees . If you have any more questions you can give us a call. 


  1. Open a personal e-mail account as the first step.
  2. After logging in to your email account, click “Email“ in the top left.
  3. Hotmail and Outlook are the same services. Log in to your Hotmail account. Click on the ”New“ date on the left of the mail screen.
  4. Type the address to which you want to send the e-mail. Example: In the Subject field, type your mail header. You can send your e-mail by clicking tan Send dık after you have written the message you want to send in the Mail content field. If you need to add any file to the mail you send, you can add the file you want by using the ”Add Gönder option. Hotmail is relatively easy and convenient to other services.


1-Open file you want to print
2-Click file button
3-Click print button
4-Set page count
5-Click print button

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